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Technology is on the way to becoming the modern superhero we need. People and Infrastructure are being destroyed because of their incapability to withstand the intensity of Mother Nature. Technology can provide governments, communities and scientist with the important information of relevance to them, offering a better way to predict behaviour or buildings during earthquakes. In effect, advanced technology provides a proactive method to more effectively create earthquake-resistant communities. Fortunately, technology continues to find new ways to prevent and reduce earthquakes damage. This includes the development of infrastructure and long-term maintenance in the event of an earthquake. In modern society, technology can converge architectural, engineering design and geospatial data.

In the USA, authorities use earthquake risk maps to control land use as to minimise any damage that may be caused by earthquakes. Engineers and seismologists have favoured base isolation for years as a means to protect buildings during an earthquake. Isolation is separating the substructure of a building from its superstructure. It involves floating a building above its original foundation, which contain a solid lead core wrapped in sequence layers of rubber and steel. The steel plates attach the bearings to the building and its foundation and then, when an earthquake hits, allow the foundation to move without moving the structure above it.

Creepmeters: A creepmeter is one of many tools used in predicting earthquakes. The tool was designed to warn scientists about the movement of the Earth’s soil, this can help determine where an earthquake may happen.

Seismograph: Seismographs are very effective in measuring earthquakes. A seismograph draws lines to indicate ground motion to record and measure earthquakes. This piece of tehnology is used for recording since the seismograph can be easily stored and studied by seismologists. The seismograph was used for each Alaskin earthquake.

Strainmeter: The purpose of the strainmeter is to warn scientist of an underground vibrations and shock waves. This tool is greatly dependent on seismograph.

Laser light: The purpose of a laser is to warn of any disrupted light beam transmission from one end of a fault to the other end. This tool is used to warn scientist of a likely earthquake and that they should warn others.

GPS: Global Positioning System (GPS) is used to detect the movement of the crust in order to predict earthquakes. From the satellite, the GPS is able to detect the movement of tectonic plates along the crust through the gGPS, scientist than know which tectonic plate is active so they can warn people in the area that are in possible danger.

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